In its early days Citigroup styled itself as a “financial supermarket”, a one-stop shop for all kinds of banking services around the world. But that plan has backfired in recent years. Stepping up to the challenge of repairing the bank is chief executive Jane Fraser, who announced her restructuring plan in September. The FT’s US banking correspondent Stephen Gandel and US banking editor Joshua Franklin discuss whether Fraser can turn the bank around, and if not, what happens to Citi.

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For further reading:

‘Get off the train’: Citi’s Jane Fraser sends tough message on big overhaul

Jane Fraser: the woman trying to turn Citi around

Citi: Fraser the Razor needs sharper edge in her battle with The Blob

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On X, follow Stephen Gandel, (@stephengandel), Joshua Franklin (@FTJFranklin) and Michela Tindera (@mtindera07), or follow Michela on LinkedIn for updates about the show and more.

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