Are you getting the best deal on your individual savings accounts (Isas)? Check the latest interest rates offered on cash Isas and fixed-rate deals.

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Isa selection, November 23 2023
AccountNotice or termDepositTransfers in% AERInt paid
Cash Isas
Metro Bank via branchInstant Access Cash ISANone£1Yes5.11% AYly
Teachers BS ISA Notice 180 (1)180 Day£1,000Yes5.25%Yly
West Brom BS 60 Day Notice ISA60 Day£1Yes5.25%Yly
Mansfield BS via branch180 Day Notice ISA (2nd Issue)180 Day£1Yes5.30%Yly
Fixed Rate Cash Isas
Zopa via appSmart ISA - Fixed Term ISA pot1 Yr Bnd£1No5.41%Mly
Kent Reliance ISA 1 Year Fixed Rate - 841 Yr Bnd£1,000Yes5.43%Yly
Metro Bank via branch1 Year Fixed Rate Cash ISA1 Yr Bnd£1Yes5.71%Yly
Virgin Money virginmoney.comFixed Rate Cash ISA Exclusive 729.11.24£1Yes5.85%OM
A = Introductory rate for a limited period. OM = Interest paid on maturity. All rates shown as AER variable unless otherwise stated. Methods of opening and operating accounts will vary. All rates and terms subject to change without notice and should be checked before finalising any arrangement. No liability can be accepted for any direct or consequential loss arising from the use of, or reliance upon, this information. Readers who are not financial professionals should seek expert advice. Source:, 23/11/23
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