The restaurant critic Jay Rayner teaches a masterclass on “how to write repeatedly about the same subject and still keep your prose interesting for both your readers and yourself.” We’ve not been to his class though, so this week’s chart quiz preamble is identical to last week’s. Sorry.

Identify the three charts below and email us your answers by sunrise Monday, London time, for the chance to win an FT Alphaville exclusive T-shirt. Those are the rules. Here are the charts:

Line chart of GBp showing Chart 1
Line chart of Rolling 12-month figure showing Chart 2
Line chart of Index showing Chart 3

Please ensure that you put “QUIZ” as the subject line; include your preferred T-shirt size to save us from following up with a polite but curt email asking what your preferred T-shirt size is; and say if you DON’T want to be identified should you be the winner.

May the axes be forever in your favour.

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