All the answers here are linked in some way. Once you’ve spotted the connection, any you didn’t know the first time around should become easier.

  1. What’s the second most populous city in New York state?

  2. Which transport company bought Glasgow Prestwick airport in 1998?

  3. What is defined as a car “having a closed body and a closed boot separated from the part in which the driver and passengers sit”?

  4. Which album by Adam and the Ants was Britain’s bestselling of 1981?

  5. What’s the nickname of the first football club to win the FA Cup eight times?

  6. Which retailer began with a single shop in Goose Gate, Nottingham in 1849?

  7. Which street in Beverly Hills is famous for its luxury-goods shops, including Chanel, Cartier and Louis Vuitton?

  8. Where does Trooping the Colour take place?

  9. Which 1989 Gus Van Sant film stars Matt Dillon as Bob Hughes and William S Burroughs as a priest?

  10. In macroeconomics, which three-word phrase describes the relationship between national investment in defence and in domestic programmes?

Click here for the answers

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